Saturday, December 1, 2007

#17 Favorite Blogs -PBWiki

I'm loaded in and now available for others to find. Rather frightening as my info is fairly basic and now more than just a few can blow my cover.

At the same time I can now have a good look at some of the other blogs doing this course. I'm just a perve at heart.

# 16 Wiki

This is a great resource for the ever asked question - what is a good read?
The value in having a constant source of reviews of books updated regularly by all and sundry adds interest and variety to the library website. The only drawback I can see is the possibility of "vandals" putting "graffiti" in this sight. The Library Success Best Practices Wiki seemed to be on top of this by asking for a email confirmation for any contributions to the site.

Also for those studying you can access other view points of the particular subject and add your own to help other students.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

#15 Library 2.0

The future is here but not to stagnate. We must adapt and allow change as the needs of our community do. Hard copy is still very much in demand and I can see that having to accommodate all possible choices is impossible in the average library but, a greater import should be on the ease of use of technology for the layman. Allowing the elderly, the very young and the 'just not quite so computer literate' the same access as the geeks to all available information past and present. Libraries are still very much a social outing and books are great in bed but the pressure to know ALL means a need to navigate technology must be as easy as looking up an author and picking a book.

We could start with the language of techno babble - do we really need it or can we make it easier?

# 14 Technorati

This is a great idea if you are eager to check out other blogs but I'm having enough trouble doing this without actually reading other works. I checked out Learning 2.0 in Technorati and found 1,746 results for Blog Posts but I couldn't do a search of tags to compare.

Going to the Popular section I have to ask what is the attraction of Linda Hogan????

I won't be "Claiming" my blog but big congrats to the brave (or very bored) souls who do.

# 13

I've enjoyed this particular exercise as my choices for tagging involved the fun to do and fun to read and, of course, the comments made by others with the same choices only add to the hilarity of these sites. The Tags especially for Penny Arcade He-Man were almost as enlightening as the comments. Now I have a list of sites I can scoot to just for the fun of it.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

#12 Rollyo

I have created a movie gossip,news search engine.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

#11 Library Thing